Foamcore / Gatorboard
Foamcore and Gatorboard are both popular sign substrates for indoor displays. But they differ in a couple significant ways. Let’s break down the differences in Foamcore vs. Gatorboard.
Economical choice for temporary signage
Lightweight yet rigid
Indoor use only
Foamcore is Firehouse’s most economical rigid substrate and often everyone’s first choice for indoor, rigid graphics. Like the name says, Foamcore contains a polystyrene foam center, or core. It is laminated on both sides with a white, coated paper stock. It can be printed on both sides. Firehouse stocks 3/16” (5mm) foamcore, but a range of thicknesses are available. It’s a perfect match for temporary signage. Maximum printing area = 95“ x 47”. Larger sheet sizes available upon request.
Foamcore can be easily damaged in shipping and requires plenty of additional packaging to add strength to the box. All that packaging can offset Foamcore’s bargain price. A stronger material requires less packaging and may actually save money.
More durable than foamcore
Easel stands
Substrate for large, framed photo prints
Indoor use only
Gatorboard is a step up from Foamcore. Gatorboard’s foam center is sandwiched with a wood veneer infused with resin for water resistance and strength. It’s available in 3/16” and 1/2” thicknesses and can be printed on both sides. Maximum printing area = 95“ x 47”. Larger sheet sizes available upon request.